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⑮A Chinese restaurant I love to go to @ Golden Palace Buffet, Oakland

My Mum herself was a restaurant owner and her business went very well because of her philosophy for running an amiable restaurant, where people feel happy, safe, and willing to pay to eat. If not because of her physical well being, she would be running that little restaurant to this day. However, this post is not about my Mum back in China, but about another Chinese lady one year older than her, who came to Pittsburgh 20 years ago and now have two restaurants (Downtown, Oakland) in her family that she helps to manage. Her daughter is a senior undergraduate studying in the University of Pittsburgh with an ambition to be a dentist. Her husband and mother are also working in the restaurant in Oakland. What’s funny was that one time the grandma even wanted to introduce her grandson to me, saying that I seem to be a good kid.

I started with doing business with this Chinese Aunt for an entrepreneur project I was doing at school, now I am more like a friend to her, vice versa. Many occasions, when I couldn't sleep, or lost appetite, I would go to her restaurant, have a meal, and chat with the aunt and grandma, then I would feel much better afterwards. Once, aunt gave me a bowl of soup that she made for her daughter to ease my headache and lack of appetite. She is from Fujian province and very good at Min Cuisine, which is mainly served in soup and broth. The soup was so delicious that until this day I still remember how energized I felt after consuming it.

I like to go to her restaurant, Golden Palace Buffet, not only because I am treated nicely as if I was their family, but also I feel it’s a nice space for time that can seemly transport me to something I am familiar and strive to pursue, especially when the external boost is needed. It’s about Chinese people’s hardworking work ethic, amiable and humble nature treating other people, and how American dream can be realized day after day through honest work.

Beer winning trivia @ Chinese, Asian Business in Allegheny

1. Based on the 2007 U.S. Census data that in Allegheny county, Chinese people own about 778 business (272 with paid employee and 506 without) that contains a total of $182,891,000 worth of sales or shipments. Asian Indians own 975 business (375 with paid employee and 600 without) containing a total $706,849,000 dollar value of sales and shipments. Vietnamese ranks number three and has a total of 537 business. In total, Asian owns 3002 business, following Black 5002, and White 82,951.

Your ID @ Golden Palace Buffet

1. What’s the price for lunch, dinner in the restaurant? With a student discount, how much does it cost to have a lunch? dinner?

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