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【29】 The discovery of Yinzerita@Steel Cactus, Shadyside

“Yinzerita? I have been born and lived in Pittsburgh and served drinks all my life, but I have never heard of Yinzerita. You must be kidding or somebody just made this name up when you ordered that drink. No, sorry, we don’t have Yinzerita and I don’t believe its existence at all.” This was what a 30 some year old bartender told me not too long ago when Rebecca Gilbert, from CMU Alumni advancement department as well as a social entrepreneur, the founder of vegan’s resources guide,, offered to buy me a drink during a +GlobalPittsburgh  get-together in strip district.

I am here proving that gentleman wrong and want to wholeheartedly remind him of the fact that Pittsburgh is such a dynamic place that no one would ever so confidently claim that they have experienced it all. This is another message this blogger wants to convey through the “A+ Pittsburgh Experience” blog name: There is always one more new experience about this place and it’s super, so staying curious. The Yinzerita I had back in January in Steel Cactus with my fellow Heinzers was super and proving the bartender mentioned at the beginning of this article wrong is also very fulfilling.

Yes, there is such a drink called Yinzerita, which is similar to Margarita, but with a whole bottle of beer hanging over the cup. As you drink the “Margarita” in different flavors, the beer continues to be poured into the cup and adds a new flavor. Since “Yinz” is used as "You" in Pittsburgh's dialect, Yinzerita might highly possibly be a very local invention. It’s something special among Pittsburgh's many drinks, and it's so special that even a Pittsburgher bartender didn’t know. Well, +Josiah Vincent and +Susan Andrzejewski recommended this to me during our first System Synthesis team Happy hour and I liked it immediately. Never mind I am not a drinker, it’s always nice to be willing to try something out and then decide whether or not you like it.

Having an experience is better than not having any. Just like having a bad system synthesis experience is better than not having one at all. You learn something, you gain a diploma, and you carry on with life with more understanding, tolerance, or even indifference, which can easily and positively be transformed into the notion of focusing on those real important things and people.

Yinzerita winning trivia @ Margarita, Steel Cactus

1. The margarita is a Mexican cocktail consisting of tequila mixed with Cointreau or similar orange-flavored liqueur and lime or lemon juice, often served with salt on the glass rim. It’s the most common tequila-based cocktail in the U.S. The drink is served shaken with ice (on the rocks), blended with ice (frozen margarita), or without ice (straight up).

2. Steel Cactus is a Mexican bar and restaurant, where serves many Mexican cuisine. I liked good tacos there, meaning the size was manageable, the taste was good, and the price was reasonable. I remember +Rosa Rendon , who came from California to attend Heinz College, offered food on her plate  to everybody, which reminded me of the similarity between Latin American culture and that of China. Gregarious, hospitable, and always take care of guests by providing good food. ver, tenemos mucho en común.

Your ID @ Steel Cactus

Where is Steel Cactus located?

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