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【26】 Another year @ Oakland

When you live in a place for too long, you start to not see many things. When you feel you are most familiar with a place, you might be very likely to be a complete stranger. Familiarity is not necessarily a bad thing, it can actually be very valuable in many occasions, such as showing a new comer the exact right bus to take, and recommending the exact restaurant to go to for certain types of gourmet food. But ignorance or blindness that can potentially be caused by familiarity is definitely not something you shall possess when living in Pittsburgh.

There is always something new, something you didn’t know, and somewhere worthy to go.

My camera showed me this when I tried to find certain pictures from the archive. This is also one of the essential messages that the “A+ Pittsburgh Experience” blog name tries to convey to its reader. There is always “One more” experience you just can’t forget about Pittsburgh.

Your ID @ Oakland

There are four sculptures on the stretch of Forbes Avenue (from the Dippy's to the front door of the Carnegie Museum)? Who are they? If Michelangelo is in the above picture, who are those other three?

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