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【59】 Bridget’s new house@ Squirrel Hill

As I choose a 2-article-per-month pace to maintain this blog, many events got backlogged. I can’t really find a good resolution for this situation considering that I really want to make it a consistent effort for this blog while also keeping up many other things in life. However, gradually I found this situation is not that bad after all. Because digging in those pictures in the archive to look for materials has become  an opportunity of  discovering the past and reliving it.

Back in March, when the snow was still on the ground, Bridget,  a friend from my Housing Alliance of PA internship time, initiated a house-warming party. It was a wonderful experience.  Looking at the picture with smiley and familiar faces gave me such a comfort and joy, even almost four months later.
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Bridget’s red brick house is in a very nice neighborhood. According to Matthew, the interior design has a lot of similarities to English style. I especially liked the fact that Bridget had a lot houseplants and every window in the house also provides much space for plant stands. There are several bookshelves built into the wall. The kitchen looks very modern and classy….of course, the food cooked in the kitchen that day was very good too. Ever since Bridget’s party, I have been cooking Cilantro Rice. Another recipe is still waiting to be tried in my own kitchen.

We met Bob, Siew, Irene, Jane and many other new friends. It was very nice. Actually a week before the party, Bridget, Bob, Siew and I got together to catch up and spent some quality time in a restaurant in Lawrenceville on Penn Avenue.  Bob pulled a practical joke on me about eating spicy peppers. Well, I lived up to the joke and put a lot of chili on my noodles. Boy, it was hot. :-) We all got a big kick out of it. 

I am really grateful to have them as friends. That is one of the few important things I gained from the internship two years ago.

Nowadays we all are busy with our own life. But the friendship is there and will only be a phone call and an email away. I wish Bridget is happy in her house and the house is her sanctuary that prepares her for the world everyday when she locks the door to step outside, as well as comforts her when she comes back and lock the world outside.

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