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③A journey in a poem @ Hamburg Hall, Heinz College

A SUPA (“Super”, School or Urban and Public Affairs) year, Heinz College was born one day after the Halloween in the Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall, East end of the campus

A Dragon year, I was born in an August morning in my Grandparents’ dirt house, a Chinese village in the Middle West.

The year, on August 8th, I travelled 23 hours across the Pacific Ocean coming to a beautiful city called Pittsburgh, and married to the Hamburg Hall with a green hat. Two days after the class started, I turned into 23 years old. Meets the legal marrying age. I hope you will not argue that I have a legitimate marriage with HBH. Although no wedding band.

One day after Halloween, when I was thinking to write something for my charming spouse, I realize in the slightly more than a year of marriage, so many memories have been photocopied by my eyes and permanently stored in my heart. Don’t need to take Desktop multimedia class to beautify those pictures, they are, perfect, themselves.

I am too selfish to show all of them to you at once, but maybe just one piece, because you will have your own to cherish, that I am certain.

A rainy day outside, In the Hamburg hallway it’s different.

I dragged my heavy bag with piles of finished/unfinished homework. A little bit blue, feeling like the limited brain cells have been constantly challenged by the curriculum, along with livelihood.

Dianna, the secretary at Room1011, walked towards me from the other end of the hall. our eyes met for a second, then she asked with empathy:
“Honey? Is everything alright?”
“Yes, everything is good, just so many things to mind.”
“Life is tough, but you will be alright! Remember just take one thing at a time, one step at a time, from here you will thrive!”

Then she threw her arms around me like protecting a newly born baby from the most gentle wind that can’t even move a piece of leaf off a late autumn ginko tree.

At that moment I saw, I felt a thread of sunshine cast through the crowded fabric, shine brightly in my heart.

….Many memories...more to come as I go on every day.

In these dynamics, I see myself, I see other people, I see community, I see responsibility, I see capability, I see possibility.…..I see no divorce, even though Nikolas and Amaris apparently are filtering with him rather openly.

You know what I mean, I just don’t know what words to put it in.

Beer winning trivia @ Hamburg Hall, Heinz College

1. Hamburg Hall was built in 1915, and awarded the plaque of historical landmark by the Pittsburgh Historical and Landmark Foundation in 2000. One of the favourite rooms, if not the most popular classroom, is A100 in the basement of West wing. It’s a computer cluster, classroom, project room, and social gathering place. Class of 2013 is the last class to enjoy all its functionality!. But it’s converted into office room in the summer of 2013. Heinzers are civil enough to not have a riot, also it is because this action is part of bigger plan the college has for space optimization.

2. Heinz College was founded by Richard King Mellon in 1968, the same person who also championed for the foundation of Allegheny Conference on Community Development in 1944. Its motto is “Educating men and women for intelligent action”. In 2010, Heinz College had 663 students enrolled in all of its programs offered worldwide. Students from the U.S. consisted of 51.6% of the student body. In 2012, 784 students, in which 42.1% are American students, while 57.9% are international students. Not surprisingly, Chinese and Indian students are two biggest foreign student groups.

3. Professor Alessandro Acquisti, expert in behavioral economics and economics of privacy, had his TedGlobal Talk in October 2013 about Privacy in the Internet Era. HERE is his talk. This very idea was presented during Heinz Think Big Forum August, 2012. I was in the audience and thrilled.

There are many star professors at Heinz. But what’s more striking to me is that all those I had the privilege working with are nurturing and caring as if they know you are here for a purpose and they would help you to realize it. I have to mention Professor Dennis Rousseau’s evidence-based management class, for it is my favourite, not because I got A+, but because it opened my eye for a new mentality: To challenge assumptions and to gather evidence so that a better informed decision can be made when it’s needed the most. In her class, I also had a chance to write a letter for a future me in 20 years. It’s a great thing to do, great way to utilize cosmic intelligence to go places! Another professor I have to point out is Professor Shelby Stewman, whose demography class was so demanding but also eye opening. People and its changes are destiny of any development. That’s why I am so glad that Pittsburgh finally had its population increase positive in 2011 by 0.85% since 1970s and 1980s industry downfall.

4. Hamburg Hall, Heinz College, locates on 4800 Forbes Avenue. Forbes Avenue is one of the longest streets in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. It has a length of about ten miles (16km) and is named for John Forbes (1707–1759), whose expedition recaptured Fort Duquesne and who renamed the place Pittsburgh in 1758.

You ID @ Hamburg Hall, Heinz College

Who is the current Dean of Heinz College?
Who is the Assistant Dean, and program director that Dianna Pawlowski mentioned in the poem works with closely and shares an office suite?
Who are those two people on a team to organize almost all student activities, don’t forget free pizza!?
Who is the director of Alumni relationship?
Who is the director of the Center of Economic Development?
Who is the assistant director of Career Service office working mainly with MSPPM program students?
What’s the name of the fund that you need to work to raise money for first and then are eligible for applying funding from?

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