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Thank you and Goodbye Pittsburgh

Dear Friends,

After eight years of life in the United States, I have decided to give up my permanent residence immigration status and move back to my home country, China. So this message is about to say GOODBYE and THANK YOU.

The decision of moving back to China arrived as a result of my spiritual advancement, my personal life development, my professional pursuit, and my love for my family back home. While I really immersed myself in this beautiful country, the state of Pennsylvania, the City of Pittsburgh, and my neighborhood in Leechburg in the past few years and formed many meaningful relationships, I miss home. While I really respect and like many aspects of American culture and think this would always be a great country in many years to come regardless of which angle you choose to evaluate and compare, I miss resting in my own culture.

Since the decision, I have felt more peaceful and happy. Everything in life starts to become so clear that I know those many years in the United States, including especially those meaningful relationships with those of my friends and acquaintances, have blessed me much with maturity, wisdom, kindness and positive energy. So I want to take a moment to THANK my friends from IUP years to CMU years to my professional adventure years, and I also want to THANK all of my relationships in the past 8 eights for shaping me into the person I am today.  I also know that the years ahead will be a wonderful life experience full of love, peace, and wisdom which altogether would help me to fulfill all of my roles and all of my responsibilities in this life. All is so exciting and I wish to not waste any time to cherish each and every day.   

Pittsburgh and all of my relationships and experience here, through all the years here, I both searched internally and externally about who I am, what I want to become, where I would go, and What's most important in life, and luckily I found the answers and have the fortune to be able to come into a full circle with all of me from the past and present and future. I thank you again for being in my life and I wish you all the best. TAKE CARE and GOODBYE.



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